It seems like everyone has a blog today. So why did we decide to be part of the background noise of the Internet?
We built our blog because we want to engage, educate, and entertain our current and future contractor customers. We want to provide content of use and interest to employees at our contractor companies who work in sales, marketing, finance, and management. Blogging allows us to break free of anonymity and address issues that we hope you’ll find relevant.
Our decision to start blogging wasn’t sudden. We’ve gone through a thoughtful process that started with determining whether we had anything of value to say. It turns out that we do (at least we think so!). After making that determination, we had to create policies and procedures, decide which of our team members would contribute, and figure out a long-term strategy for the blog.
This sounds complicated, but every element of this effort is about one thing: you. What do you want to read about? What content do you think is valuable? As the blog’s readership grows, we expect to find our voice, to adjust to meet your needs, and to engage in a productive dialogue with you. Whether we succeed or fail at this, we’d like to hear from you. Feel free to contact us directly, or contribute to any of our posts.